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Pennsylvania State Police Announce DUI Checkpoint to be conducted in Lehigh County

Bethlehem, PA –

The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Troop M – Bethlehem announced that a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) checkpoint will be conducted between the dates of Friday, August 11, 2023, and Sunday, August 13, 2023, within Lehigh County.

A sobriety checkpoint is a traffic safety checkpoint wherein Troopers systematically stop vehicles at selected locations to briefly observe drivers for articulable facts and/or behaviors normally associated with alcohol or drug impairment.

A sobriety checkpoint is a traffic safety stop where troopers briefly observe drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment.

As part of S.T.E.A.D.D. (Selective Traffic Enforcement Against Drunk Drivers), each PSP Troop conducts sobriety checkpoints and roving patrols within their respective command areas with the goal to reduce the number of alcohol and drug-related fatal and serious crashes.

The Pennsylvania State Police is committed to maintaining a safe environment for the motoring public. This sobriety checkpoint is intended to achieve this goal.

Motorists are reminded of the mandates of Title 75 Section 3733, Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Police Officer, which stipulates that any driver of a motor vehicle who willfully fails or refuses to bring their vehicle to a stop, or who otherwise flees or attempts to elude a pursuing police officer, commits an offense, graded up to a Felony of the 3rd Degree, which carries a maximum sentence of 7 years in prison, a $15,000 fine, and restitution for damages and/or injuries sustained as a result of the pursuit.


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